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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Yummy Breakfast Cups

Yummy Breakfast Cups
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I like to make these for the family on the weekends. They're super simple and don't require maintenance.  Just assemble, bake, eat!

4 slices turkey bacon (or pork bacon)
4 slices whole wheat bread
1 tbsp butter
4 eggs
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
2. Heat pan of medium-high heat and cook bacon according to package directions.
3. While bacon is cooking, butter your bread and cut each piece in half vertically. (I used Dave's Killer Bread because it's our favorite, but it makes for some giant slices!)
-- Side note: if you want these to be prettier, use a cookie cutter or the top of a drinking glass to cut your toast into rounds. I love buttered toast, so I don't like to waste any when I'm just cooking for the family! They don't mind the extra toast hanging over the edge!
4. Place your bread halves in the bottom of each cup of your cupcake pan(totalling once slice of bread per cup) so that the bottom is completely sealed.
5. Lay the bacon strip across the buttered bread and crack one egg on top. Add salt and pepper to taste.
6. Bake at 400 degrees until eggs set, about 8-10 minutes.
7. Pop the breakfast cups out with a knife and eat up!

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