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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Chocolate-dipped S'mores Cups

Chocolate-dipped S'mores Cups
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This recipe, courtesy of Pampered Chef, was passed along to me by one of my best friends years ago. I have developed an affinity for all things s'mores and make these little treats on a regular basis. They have become a favorite in my immediate family, extended family, and office! They're a no-mess, no-campfire way to enjoy one of the best (and cheapest) desserts of all time!!! You will need a mini muffin pan for this recipe.

7 Graham crackers
1/4 cup powdered sugar
6 tbsp butter, melted
12 marshmallows
2 Hersey's chocolate bars
3/4 cup milk chocolate chips
1 tbsp milk

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. Place graham crackers in a sealed ziploc bag and go to town on them! Crush them into a fine powder using a rolling pin, a drinking glass turned on its side, or your hands! These will make up your crust, so be sure to crush them up good.
 3. Combine crushed graham crackers, powdered sugar and melted butter until a crumbly mixture forms.
4. Place 1/2 tsp of mixture into each cup of your mini muffin pan.
5. Press the graham cracker mixture firmly into the bottom of your pan.
 6. Bake 5-6 minutes or until edges bubble.
7. Meanwhile, cut your marshmallows in half and break apart your Hershey's chocolate bar along the seams.
 8. When your graham cracker crusts come out of the oven, put one Hersey's square and one half marshmallow, cut side down, in each cup. Bake 2-3 minutes, or until marshmallow softens through.

9. Allow to cool in pan 7-10 minutes before moving to a cooling rack. Cool completely before beginning dipping process or you may lose your marshmallow!

 10. While your s'more cups finish cooling, melt down your chocolate chips. You can do this on the stove or in the microwave. (I was going to do it on the stove, then I changed my mind and did it in the microwave.) For microwave melting, add milk for creaminess and microwave in 20-second intervals, stirring between each, until thoroughly melted. You may have to re-melt your chocolate a couple times during the dipping process, depending how quick you are!
11. Turn your s'mores cups upside down and dip in chocolate. I like to give it a little twist of my wrist as I take them out of the chocolate to give them that little point at the top. Place back on cooling rack and rool until chocolate has set.

Sorry I don't have a nice camera, but this gives you an idea how little and cute and perfect they are!
12. Gobble them up! Bite size may seem like portion control, but I usually can't control myself. :)

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