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Monday, December 5, 2011

Mediterranean Hummus

Mediterranean Hummus

I absolutely adore hummus and have tried flavoring it with everything under the sun, from sun-dried tomatoes to hot peppers. I can't get enough of it! (And, it's good for you!) Well, sometimes you just need a little more, so I dressed it up a bit!

2 cans garbanzo beans (AKA chickpeas)
1/3 cup juice from garbanzo beans
2 tbsp olive oil
Juice form 1/2 of a lemon
Salt to taste (I use about a teaspoon)

1 red bell pepper
1 jar kalamata olives
3 oz crumbled feta cheese
fresh dill (I used dry dill, but I'd recommend fresh!)

1. Place garbanzo beans, garbanzo bean juice, olive oil, lemon juice and salt in your food processor. Blend thoroughly!
2. Spread hummus along the bottom of whatever you want to serve it in! (I used a 1qt bowl.)
3. Finely chop red peppers and kalamata olives (another yummy addition would be cucumbers, but I didn't have any!)
4. Layer the red peppers over the hummus, followed by the kalamata olives. Crumble the feta cheese on top and sprinkle with dill.

5. Serve with warm pita bread or pita chips!

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